Monday, January 24, 2011

Tenth Link of Reference

Like the PBS link, describes the war in such detail just like on TV, except I would recommend this after you read the book just to supplement your understanding about the Chapter. This gives you the full understanding of the War and who the major people were involved. The one aspect that I liked about this website is that there are videos for each section so if you don't understand that one part, you can watch it, and visual learning is very effective.

Fish Gadget:
If you have recently been on Edmodo, then you would have to have looked at the polls. There are more Progressivists than the Industrialists. The black fish represent the industrialists, because they were the "Dark Side" of the story, who meant for themselves at others cost. I based this off the movie series Star Wars, because this movie would definitely represent the time. There are always two Siths, or dark lords, who want the power of the galaxy and beyond. They have the most power to take over, but they are outnumbered by the Jedi, where there are over hundreds of them. Throughout the movie, Darth Sideous finds a Jedi that is powerful and is on the trail of evil. This Jedi turns against them to join the Sith Lord, where they out power the Jedi, wiping out all but two. They have the ultimate control. The blue fish represent the Jedi, who are fighting for fairness throughout the galaxy to stop the evil that has been passed. Obviously, the blue fish represent the progressivists.
German Patch

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