Monday, January 24, 2011

First Link of Reference

This is really cool because I saw this in
Mr. Kannan's room on the chalkboard.
This may have applied for the war for the German side,
because the other side was gaining much power
in the war, but they would get anywhere,
which is why an armistice was put in effect.

This link is basically a timeline of what happened in World War I. I think that this timeline is a quick and easy read, because it sums up the major events without going into detail. In the book, they explain everything in detail. Though some of the things that are reviewed in the timeline are not exactly relevant or aren't in the book, once again, it doesn't go into extreme detail. One aspect that I thought was really nice was the fact that it lists how long the war was and shows what happened in each part of the year, so you know where the most action was at what part of the year.

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